Shape Note Singing 

in Floyd, VA

Join us for our regular singings on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month. No experience necessary. All are welcome.

Our All-Day Singing is in August, the Saturday before the 4th Sunday.

Tunebooks we sing from are The Sacred Harp (1991 Denson edition), The Shenandoah Harmony, and The Valley Pocket Harmonist.

Shape note singing is an American tradition of unaccompanied harmony singing with roots stretching back to the Colonial period. It takes its name from the musical notation system to aid in sight-singing, where notes are written on the page with different shapes, each corresponding to the degree of the scale. 

Characterized by open harmonies and a raw, powerful sound, the tradition of shape note singing encourages enthusiasm over accuracy and the music is designed primarily for participation, rather than performance. 

While the texts are primarily Christian, it is a proudly inclusive tradition. All are welcome to participate in the singing.

The four-shape note musical scale: fa, sol, la, fa, sol, la, mi, fa. Or triangle, circle, square, triangle, circle, square, diamond, triangle.

A major scale in the 4-shape tradition
